Jamie Handwerker
Independent Director & Compensation Committee Chair
Jamie Handwerker is a partner of KSH Capital, providing real estate entrepreneurs with capital and expertise to seed or grow their platform. Prior to joining KSH, Ms. Handwerker was a Senior Vice President and Principal of Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn (CRM) LLC, a New York-based asset management firm, which serves as investment adviser to institutions, as well as individual and family trusts. Ms. Handwerker was the portfolio manager for the CRM Windridge Partners hedge funds since she founded the Funds in June, 2000. The funds were long/short US equity hedge funds, focused on real estate and consumer companies, generating absolute returns. Prior to joining CRM in April 2002, Ms. Handwerker managed Windridge Partners, L.P, as a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager with ING Furman Selz Asset Management LLC, a New York based holding company operating as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dutch financial conglomerate, ING Group. Ms. Handwerker previously was a Managing Director and Senior Equity Research Analyst (Sell-Side) from 1994 to 2000 at the international corporate and investment bank ING Barings and its predecessor, Furman Selz, LLC where she exclusively focused on real estate companies, including the REIT industry. She received a BA in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. Ms. Handwerker is a member of the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts & Sciences Board of Overseers and is the Founder and Chairperson of Penn Arts & Sciences Professional Women’s Alliance, as well as being involved in other charitable endeavors.